The Risk of the Embroidery: Undoing the Knots and Reconstructing the Marriage


  • Ana Maria Oliveira Zagne
  • Noemia Kraichete
  • Suely Engelhard



differentiation, unconscious plots, shadow, marriage at risk


This work is the result of a work with couples, especially couples at risk, having marriage as a facilitator of differentiation, by confrontation, as in the mirror, of the individual handicaps. Through interviews, as well as workshops, we evaluate as far as the unconscious knots and plots of the original families, which form the pattern of the embroidery, the floor plan where the couple will erect the foundations for future life will bring: enrichment? Or will it bring stories of discontent, a macabre dance in which each member will be losing more than finding himself in the other? In a marriage at risk, a third part always shows up as a shadow, the very subject of marriage. Functioning autonomously, with wants, desires, hurts, and complex structures, the couple begins to relate with and through this OTHER part. We came from our origins, with different tracings. To realize that the other was not an idea in my mind or what I desire him to be, will lead the couple to creative transformations and theencounter “Me and You” will survive in the “Us”.



How to Cite

Zagne, A. M. O., Kraichete, N., & Engelhard, S. (2011). The Risk of the Embroidery: Undoing the Knots and Reconstructing the Marriage. Revista Brasileira De Terapia Familiar, 3(1).


