Grief process in the couple’s life and infidelity




Bereavement, Infidelity, Losts , Marital Communication


This research explores the relationship between marital infidelity and dysfunctional grief in couples and highlights the lack of literature on the subject proposing two hypotheses. The first one suggests that pre-existing marital dissatisfaction intensifies distancing and compromises communication, creating opportunities for infidelity. The second hypothesis considers grief as a stressor that disrupts the system, tests the couple’s communication, and generates dissatisfaction, fostering situations of infidelity. The research emphasizes the importance of functional communication in the grieving process and concludes that dysfunctional grief can contribute to the emergence of relational problems, including infidelity.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, A. B. P., Bettega, D. P. J., Medina, G. B. K., Sauerman, R. M., & Branco, Z. B. C. (2024). Grief process in the couple’s life and infidelity. Revista Brasileira De Terapia Familiar, 12(1).


