The third person in extramarital relationships




Extramarital relationships, Infidelity, Couple therapy, Lover


The lover or third person in extramarital relationships has become a central figure in this literature review, mainly because they are often clandestine and in the hidden sphere of these relationships – as well as in much of the scientific literature on marital infidelity. This vertex of the unofficial relational triangle meets social and scientific barriers to being encompassed and understood. The second Scientific Dialogues study group of the Association of Family Therapy of Paraná, with an emphasis on the theme of infidelity, looked at the place of the third person, characterizing their profile and perceptions and investigating their associated social stigmas in order to better understand men and women in this position. Clinical vignettes of couple therapy were also studied.


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How to Cite

Bertoncello, D., Cunha, A. S. A., Fuchs, D. Z. B., Cunha, D. da, & Gabardo, L. C. A. (2024). The third person in extramarital relationships. Revista Brasileira De Terapia Familiar, 12(1).


