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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
  • Onde disponível, os URLs para as referências foram fornecidos.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.

Author Guidelines

 The Revista Brasileira de Terapia Familiar (RBTF) accepts submissions in English (preferably), Portuguese and Spanish.

I- General information

Manuscripts must be sent electronically via the Revista Brasileira de Terapia Familiar website at, and must comply with APA [American Psychological Association, 7th edition, 2020 (].

Manuscripts received will initially be checked for text structure and adherence to the journal’s theme. They will then be evaluated regarding their content by the Similarity Check/iThenticate system. Manuscripts that present specific problems, such as the need for referencing citations, will be returned to the authors for correction. Manuscripts that contain proven plagiarized content will be rejected. If any type of misconduct is identified after publication of the article,  RBTF will publish the retraction in the same edition that contains the manuscript.

After these steps, the Editor-in-Chief will forward the manuscript to the Section Editor, who will manage the evaluation and final decision on publication.

If authors opt for the double anonymized peer review system, it is their responsibility to ensure that no elements can identify them in any part of the article. Author data must be entered in a specific field in the system during registration.

If authors opt for open review, they must declare it in the “Comments to the editor” field during the submission process in step 1.

The RBTF requires authors, at the time of submission, to declare a conflict of interest, which can arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that are not fully apparent, which may influence their judgments about what is published. Authors must declare all forms of financial support, any commercial or financial involvements that may present an appearance of a conflict of interest, if an agreement has been signed with any research sponsor that prevents you from publishing positive and negative results or that prohibits you from publishing the research without your prior approval. In cases where it does not exist, the authors must declare: “ The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest”. Articles will be evaluated fairly and not necessarily rejected when conflicting interests are declared. The editor-in-chief is responsible for assessing declared conflicts of interest in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

It is recommended that research data used in articles be deposited in open-access repositories, complying with registration standards that guarantee the authorship use and citation of the data and the corresponding article. This data deposit must be informed during the submission process, step 1, in the “Comments to the editor” field. We suggest you visit to identify registered and certified data repositories relevant to your subject area. Authors must cite the data in the body of the text (preferably in the Methods section) and include its complete reference (the Digital Object Identifier - DOI is mandatory) in the list.

The Section Editor will forward the manuscript to 3 ad-hoc referees who can reject it, request corrections, and approve it. After receiving the opinions, the Section Editor will request the corrections. Upon receiving the new version, they can send it to the other rounds of evaluation, approving or rejecting it. Throughout the process, the Editor-in-Chief may be consulted to support the Section Editor’s decision on whether or not to publish their manuscript and the likely publication date, when applicable. In cases where authors disagree with the decision, they must email the Editor-in-Chief, who will analyze whether the complaint is valid and may reverse the decision.

The RBTF review body comprises researchers affiliated with Brazilian and International teaching and research institutions. In 2021, the average time for evaluating manuscripts until a final decision was 130 days and for publication, 30 days (after the date of acceptance). During this period, 34% of articles were rejected.


II- Steps for electronic submission

When starting the electronic submission process, the author must register in the system to submit the manuscript and monitor the editorial process. The editorial process of manuscripts will only begin with the completion of sending all necessary information and the registration of all authors and their complete data. The insertion or removal of authors will not be allowed after sending the manuscript. The authors will be notified via registered email about receipt of the manuscript.

When submitting the article, the corresponding author assumes on behalf of all co-authors that there is no conflict of interest, whether of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature, as well as between authors, reviewers or editors.


At the beginning of the electronic submission process, the following information must be recorded:

  • All authors must be identified with name, ORCID, email, institutional affiliation (name of institutions in total, with three instances - for example, University/Faculty/Department), city, state, and country. The corresponding author must be identified and provide, in addition to the mandatory information, the full postal address.
  • Title the manuscript in Portuguese, English, and Spanish (maximum 12 words).
  • Abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  • Keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


The manuscript submitted to RBTF must be unpublished, i.e., it must not have been published in another publication vehicle (magazine, book, etc.) nor be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Except:

  • The manuscript was deposited on a preprint platform, and it is mandatory to inform the URL of the article and the opening of identities is authorized to enable open review
  • The article was presented in scientific activities of the Brazilian Family Therapy Association and its federates or scientific institutions linked to the areas of Psychology-Interpersonal relations.


In the latter case, a footnote must be inserted on the manuscript's first page with information about where it was presented.

The opinions expressed in the works and the reference's accuracy and adequacy are the authors' sole responsibilities.

Manuscripts must follow the instructions contained in the normative model of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition, 2020, regarding the manuscript's presentation style.

When reporting research with human beings, authors must indicate whether the procedures followed were approved by the National Research Ethics Committee, respecting Resolutions 466/2012 and/or 510/2016 of the [Brazilian] Nacional Health Council. Articles by foreign authors must comply with the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013.

This document is necessary for the editorial process to begin. Specific situations are excluded when in conflict with the need to ensure compliance with anonymous peer review, roles for using the Portuguese language or procedures internal to RBTP.


III- Types of manuscripts:

Manuscripts of the following types will be accepted for evaluation. They must be informed at submission:

Original article: Results of original research based on systematic and complete investigations. Manuscripts cannot exceed 50.000 characters with space, including: title, abstract, keywords (in all three languages), attachments and references.

Review article: Review with critical and timely analysis of a comprehensive body of research relating to matters of interest to the development of psychodrama. Manuscripts can be at most 50.000 characters with space, including: title, abstract, keywords (in the three languages), annexes and references.


Case Reports: Description of rare cases that contribute to the area of knowledge. Manuscripts cannot exceed 30.000 characters with space, including: title, abstract, keywords (in the three languages), annexes and references.

IV- Manuscript preparation

Manuscript Structure

Whenever possible, manuscripts should present the subsections below. However, articles from some areas may have their usual format. To differentiate subsections,  different styles must be used.

Title: The title must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish (maximum12 words) and must not contain abbreviations.

Abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish: must contain a maximum of 120 words (original and review articles) or 80 words (brief communications), with the title “Abstract” written centered on the first line. The following must necessarily include: the research objective, methodology, main results and conclusions to justify the importance of the study. At the end of the abstract, a maximum of four keywords must be listed (in lowercase letters and separated by commas) for indexing the text. The keywords must be chosen with adequate precision for classification purposes, allowing the article to be retrieved together with similar works. The abstracts in English (abstract) and in Spanish (resumen) must be faithful to the abstract in Portuguese but not a “literal” translation. In other words, the translation must preserve the content of the abstract but also adapt to the corresponding grammatical style. As a standard procedure, RBTF will perform the final review of the abstract and resumen, reserving the right to correct them, if necessary.

Keywords: Up to 4 descriptors must be included, separated by periods, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, according to the Health Sciences Descriptors (DECs), which can be consulted at:

Body of the text: The subsections of the body of the text do not each start on a new page, and their titles must be aligned to the left and in capital letters (for example, RESULTS, METHOD and DISCUSSION, in empirical articles). Subsection subtitles must be capitalized (for example, the subtitles of the METHOD subsection: Participants or Data analysis).

Underling, italics and bold: italicize words or expressions that should be emphasized in the text, for example, foreign words, such as self, locus, etc., and words that you wish to emphasize. Do not use (except in situations where publication standards require it) bold, underlined, watermarks or other resources.

The citation must be indicated in the text using the author-date system. The author’s surname must be written with only the first letter capitalized, both in the body of the text and in parentheses: “Damásio (1975)” or “(Damásio, 1975)”. All studies cited in the text must be listed in the references section.

References: Only works consulted and mentioned in the text should appear in this section. Double spacing must be used, with extra space between references. References must be cited alphabetically by the author's surname, following APA standards. The italic typographic resource is used to highlight the title element of the publication and must be uniform in all references in the same document. In cases of reference to multiple studies by the same author(s), chronological order must be used, i.e., from oldest to most recent. It is mandatory to search and insert the DOI in each cited reference.

Attachments: should be avoided and only be included if they contain information considered essential, such as unpublished tests or descriptions of complex equipment or materials. The Attachments must each be presented on a new page and be indicated in the text and presented at the end of the manuscript, identified by the letters of the alphabet in capital letters (A, B, C, and so on) if there are more than one.

Footnotes: should be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they must be indicated by Arabic numerals in the text and presented on the same page as their numerical references. References to authors cited in the text must be presented at the end, not in footnotes.

Tables: must be prepared in Word (.doc) or Excel. In the case of graphic presentations of tables, columns should preferably be used, avoiding other forms of presentation such as pie charts, etc. In these presentations, colors should be avoided. The word Table is aligned to the left in the first line below the header, followed by its corresponding number. Double space and type the table title on the left, in italics and without a period, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized. Tables must be at most 17.5 cm wide by 23.5 cm long.

Figures: must be of the JPG file type, with 300 dpi resolution. They must not exceed 17.5 cm in width by 23.5 cm in length. The word Figure is aligned to the left in the first line below the header, followed by the header and the number corresponding to the figure. Double space and type the title of the figure on the left, in italics and without a period, only the first letter of the first word being capitalized.

The words Figure, Table and Attachment in the text must be accompanied by the respective numbers (for Figures and Tables) or letter (for Attachment) to which they refer. The word Figure must be written as Fig., except at the beginning of a sentence.

Author Contribution: Revista Brasileira de Terapia Familiar - RBTF endorses the CRediT taxonomy for contributor papers and encourages authors to use it when providing an Author Contribution section for their manuscripts. After approval of the article, the journal’s editorial team will request identification of each author’s contribution to the papers: Conceptualization; investigation; Methodology, Obtaining Financing, Resources; Writing – First version; Writing - Review & editing; Validation and Supervision.

Acknowledgments: In this section, people or institutions supporting the article's research must be recognized.

Sources of funding: This section mentions the institutions that financed the research that led to the publication and the type and number of the benefits (Scholarships and Grants).

V- Rules for citations

  • Direct or textual quotation with less than 40 words: must be incorporated into the paragraph of the text, between quotation marks. The reproduced text must appear between double quotation marks, indicating the author(s), the page(s) and the reference to the work consulted.


- According to Bruno (2001), “the quotation must reproduce the phrasing, spelling and internal punctuation of the source, even when the source contains errors” (p. 112).

  • Direct or textual quotation with 40 words or more: must appear without quotation marks in a paragraph in block format, with each line indented five spaces from the left margin.


- Castro (2001) explains that:

Structured vocabularies are collections of terms organized according to a methodology in which it is possible to specify the relationships between concepts to facilitate access to information. Vocabularies are used as a type of filter between the language used by the author and the terminology of the area and can also be considered as research assistants, helping the user to refine, expand or enrich their searches, providing more objective results. (p. 51)

  • For quotations with more than 500 words, reproduction of one or more figures, tables or other illustrations, the type of license adopted by the original publication must be sought and, if applicable, written permission from the rights holder must be requested. Copyright of the original work for reproduction (cases in which the copyright belongs to the magazine or conference). Permission must be addressed to the author of the submitted work, who must send a copy accompanying the manuscript. Direct quotations must be accurate, even if there are errors in the original. If this happens and runs the risk of confusing the reader, the word [sic] should be added in italics and brackets immediately after the error. The omission of material from a source must be indicated by three dots, separated by spaces “. . .”. The insertion of material, such as comments or observations, must be done in square brackets. Emphasis on one or more words must be in italicized font, followed by [our italics].
  • Citing a secondary source: must include the expression “cited in” to identify the secondary source that was actually consulted.


- Matos (1990, cited in Bill, 1998), or Matos (1990), cited in Bill (1998)

  • Citation of statements or interviews: Statements must be presented in italics, and their form must follow the guidelines for textual citation.


- Quote in the text paragraph:

When asked about the quality of their undergraduate courses, around 70% of those interviewed said it was insufficient. Interviewee 2, for example, states that “the degree was insufficient; there is no way to train for practice. Generalist training and critical thinking are necessary.

- Quote with 40 or more words:

Psychology, as a new field of professional activity, unknown to many and aggravated by the aforementioned theoretical-technical deficiency in its basic training, often leads to work in precarious conditions. See, by way of illustration, what interviewee 9 says:

I had no motivation to work in a hospital, no. I never thought about working in a hospital. . . . I worked in the inland and asked for a transfer. After a lot of battle, I got it. When I arrived here, I was given four job options, each one more complicated than the other. It was difficult at first.

  • Citation with two authors: must be presented by the authors' surnames linked by & when placed in parentheses; when cited in the text, they must be linked by “and”, followed by the year of publication.


- Authors as part of the text: As highlighted by Valls and Vergueiro (1998), the application of quality management concepts in information services necessarily involves the variable: identification of customer needs.

- Authors are not part of the text: The application of quality management concepts in information services necessarily involves the variable: identification of customer needs (Valls & Vergueiro, 1998).

  • Citation with three to five authors: When they appear for the first time in the text, all authors are cited. The first author's surname is used in the following citations, followed by the expression “et al.”


- Authors as part of the text (the first time they appear in the text): Lotufo Neto, Yacubian, Scalco and Gonçalves (2001) state that people with depression suffer a lot and seek help from health professionals, but they rarely identify the cause problem. From the second time they appear in the text: Lotufo Neto et al.(2001) state that …

- Authors are not part of the text (the first time they appear in the text): People with depression suffer a lot and seek help from health professionals, but they rarely identify the problem (Lotufo Neto, Yacubian, Scalco & Gonçalves, 2001 ). From the second time onwards, they do not appear in the text: . . . (Lotufo Neto et al., 2001).

  • Citation with six or more authors: indicate only the first author, followed by the expression “et al.”

In references, mention up to seven authors in the order they appear in the publication. If the number of authors is eight or more, mention the name of the first six, insert an ellipsis (. . .) and add the name of the last author.

  • Citing several authors for the same idea: citing the authors in the alphabetical order of their surnames.
  • Citation of authors with the same surname: The sequence of citations must be in alphabetical order of the authors' first names. If there are still coincidences, the first names are written in full.
  • Citation of informal channels (class, conference, e-mail, etc.): Personal communications are cited only in the text, providing the communicator's initials, surname and the most exact date possible.


  • Citation of old and republished works: the original publication date is first cited, separated by a slash from the date of the edition consulted.


- “Civilization and Its Discontents” addresses human suffering through the analysis of the origin of pain. Freud (1930/1979) argues that the pain originating from the body is combatted by chemistry, the pain originating from unsatisfied desire is the pain originating from our relationships with others, which hurts the most.

  • Citation of works in the publication process (no prelo): The author's name is cited, and the expression “no prelo” is placed in parentheses.


- As Sampaio says (no prelo), the citation, in addition to doing justice to the author, gives credibility to the author of the text... The citation, in addition to doing justice to the author, gives credibility to the author of the text... (Sampaio, no prelo).

Note: If the text written is in English, the expression “in press” is used.

  • Citation of Homepage or Website: The electronic address must be cited after the information.


- Taken from

  • Citation of classic works:


- Author as part of the text: Homer exults the people “Bravo, my children! Watch, always like this; let no one give in to sleep. . .” (Iliad, X, 173).

- Author is not part of the text: “Brave, my children! Watch, always like this; let no one give in to sleep. . .” (Homer, Iliad, X, 173).

  • Verbatim citation of verses - original edition: “Non iam coniugium . . .” (Vergil, Aeneid, IV, 431-434).

Note: In the following citations, if made on the same page, indicate only the number of the book or song and the verse(s) or page number, as applicable.

  • Citation with omission of part of the text: ellipsis (separated by spaces) must be used in a sentence to indicate omission of material in the original source. Use four dots to indicate omission between two clauses; the first dot indicates the end of the first clause, and the other dots is an ellipsis. Do not use ellipses at the beginning or end of quotations.


-According to Chauí (1996), memory is valued and devalued in our society. It is valued with the multiplication of means of recording and recording facts, events and people (computers, films, videos, cassettes, books) and the institutions that preserve them (libraries, museums, archives). . . The devaluation of memory appears, finally, in the neglect of older people, considered useless and worthless in our society (pp. 127-128)

  • Highlights of the text: highlight the excerpts indicating the change with the expression “our italics” in brackets, right after the creation of the quote.


-Skinner criticized the capitalist society of developed countries [1986, our italics]

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.